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DMT Chem

What is DMT?

What is DMT? A Brief Primer. DMT, also known as NN-Dimethyltryptamine, is a psychedelic wonder that unlocks the doors of

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Disclaimer: DMT Clinics does not provide psychoactive or controlled substances. Our company is dedicated to harm reduction, and we strongly advise against any illegal use of controlled substances. There can be serious criminal implications for breaking the law in this way; furthermore, even responsible usage outside a medical setting may lead to deadly health complications. For these reasons it’s vital that you take into consideration your own wellbeing and seek professional advice prior to taking advantage of our services. When choosing a practitioner or service to work with, it is essential that our clients exercise their due diligence and always consult qualified medical professionals before making any decisions. Please understand that while we may provide you with referrals for your convenience, these should be taken as information only—they are not endorsements of the practitioners listed nor do they constitute legal advice in any form. Furthermore, under no circumstances can we condone engaging in illegal activities by referring users to underground psychedelic services.